But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What message?

Starting March 28th, you will be able to find these mailboxes around town. I'm not sure where, but it gives me a greater incentive to walk to the post office and maybe even greater incentive to use that towing package that came with my truck.


Pete said...

I told you that Son of a Bitch George Lucas and the Post Office were in cahoots!

derrickgott007 said...

Makes me think of this....

"All your mail are belong to us!"

Amanda Jane said...

dammit, I deleted my other comment so now the first one doesn't make sense: I think they should engineer the mailboxes so that they make r2d2 beeping sounds when you drop a letter in.

derrickgott007 said...

Ok, this is from Collyn, not Derrick, but it I can't seem to leave a comment with just my name.......

WOW- I don't even know where to begin with the star wars thing, but I do however need to hear ALL the stories of dead relative ash rubbing.......Can't wait to meet you!