But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Friday, January 04, 2008

2008 Post #1

Check out the new Giuliani ad:

In other words - for for him or you will die.

Nice message.

Here's Obama's speech from Iowa last night (its pretty long - 13 minutes). He won the Democratic caucus, Giuliani got 6th in his.

That one is just a little more positive.


Unknown said...

Reminds me of the promo commercial Bill Murray's character makes for his TV station in "Scrooged"

derrickgott007 said...

Ok, just noticed this....About 36 seconds into Obama's speach I seriously thought the his speech was going to include the following:

"Yes they deserved to die, and I hope they burn in hell!"

Lauri said...

I saw one from McCain last night about Romney. It was equally ridiculous.