But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Complete collapse of the Bush Administration

OK, I have not been nearly diligent enough is talking about what is going on in politics and my views on those events. This piece from the CarpetBagger Report piqued my interest though. It seems that the conservative Chicago Tribune wants Dick Cheney to nut up and talk about the CIA leak case. In case you missed it, Scooter Libby testified that Dick authorized him to leak the information about Valerie Plame, and more importantly, information about Plame's husband's report saying that Bush's WMD worries were false. (Did that make sense? If not, read the story).
Now, theoretically, Bush can't really get in trouble for de-classifying information since that is his right, but Cheney does not have that right, even though he thinks that he does. (He doesn't). In any case, I think this administration has gone on lying long enough. Although conservatives will never admit it, Bush clearly misled Americans about his reasons for Iraq. See the Downing Street Memo. Bush dodged the issue of wiretapping until he finally said that he was allowed to do it. Bush said that he would fire anybody involved in the CIA leak. He has done nothing about it and his VP refuses to answer questions from anybody except FoxNews.

And now there is a new story out saying that James Tobin, a Bush campaign worker, was convicted in a scheme to jam Democratic phone banks during the 2002 Senatorial election. Basically, there were some people working on behalf of the Democrats that were calling people to get them out to vote for the Democratic candidate in a very close election. Starting at 7:15 am, there was a barrage of incoming calls to the bank that were basically hang-ups. This jammed their phone bank, thus preventing the callers from getting out the vote. How is Bush connected? Tobin called the White House 12 times that day. Hmmmm... Oh, and guess who paid Tobin's lawyers during his court case. The Republican National Committee.

This has been a 6-year debacle based solely on the premise that we need to prevent another 9-11. I maintain my argument that everything we are doing to stop terrorism is essentially encouraging more terrorism. The Bush Administration has lied, cheated, and now even their own people are bailing out. Shit, even Bill O'Reilly thinks we need to get out. Francis Fukuyama, who is a really smart Harvard economist and super-conservative, says that the war in Iraq is no longer worth what we are losing in lives and money.

Look, I realize that all of this sounds pretty leftist-cooky, but can you honestly say that Bush has done a good job? Maybe if you look only at some basic economic statistics. Oh, and conservatives will always go back to the "So you don't think getting rid of Saddam Hussein was a good idea?" argument, but that one is getting old. So that is where I am right now. The only thing that bothers me is that there is not much better out there. Politicians only do what they think will keep them in their cushy job, not what will actually make our country, and the world, better. I am waiting for the candidate who says "here is what I believe is best for the country and if you disagree, please don't vote for me." I know, I know. It will never happen. Unless I run for office someday, which Amanda has said is not allowed. Plus, I like my job.


Pete said...

You best tell your woman that you decide what is allowed and what isn't. See Jeff, you gotta rein them early or they start to walk all over you. (god I hope Lauri doesn't read this.)

Lauri said...

........ :P

Pete said...

do you think its okay to run for office because you have an unsatiable need for power?

Lauri said...

I think Pete should run for city councel or something. He's got ideas, ya know?

Jeff said...

Let me tell you something about City Council. I was "elected" to City Council on Civics Day in high school and spent the day with the world's oldest and most conservative member of the Redlands City Council. I feel pretty confident that if Pete was on City Council, he would have a heart attack from the frustration of working with absolute bureaucrats who only want to talk so they can hear their own voice and have their names put somewhere on a plaque.

Pete said...

First order of business on City council, No more parking tickets for overnight parking, Ever! Sure it would mean thousands lost in city revenue, but its a big government bullshit law anyway. Really, who does it hurt? No one.