But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Friday, April 28, 2006

My nerdy weekend

Just when you thought I had nerded myself out completely with a weekend visit to the tall ships, I now top myself. Tomorrow I will be spending about 8 hours at the LA Times Festival of Books. Now, its free, so it isn't the complete epitome of nerdiness. However, I did pay to take a bus from Vroman's here in Pasadena to the festival. I will sign in just before 8am and have some coffee and some sort of food. Before boarding the Festival Party Bus, which will include discussion with an author, I will get a totebag with "various goodies" including a "book bus hat" which you will all be jealous of.

My schedule for the day includes the following seminars: writing epic history, satirical fiction, nonfiction: unraveling the story, current interest: American Identity, and a cooking demonstration (and book signing) with Giada DeLaurentis from Food Network's Everyday Italian. Plus, I'm going to explore the different vendors and spend too much money on books that I won't read for a while since I already have like 15 or so waiting in line. There is also a good chance that I will get a slight sunburn.

I promise to post my notes from the different panels and any pictures that I take, especially since Giada tends to show a lot of cleavage. Sadly, though, Amanda will be with my sister-in-law making our wedding invitations, an activity that I am glad that I got out of. Not that I don't care, I'm just not that crafty.

I still need to post the few pictures that I got from my appearance on the Channel 5 news.

Oh, and Rush Limbaugh got into some drug trouble. I guess he's allowed to be in trouble since he's a legal citizen and conservative.

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