But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Douchebag of the Week 4/30/06

I have been slacking on my award-giving duties, but this post is not going to far to remedy my laziness. There is only one nominee this week, and therefore, that one (or possibly more than one) nominee is the winner.

The winner is the person or people that broke into my truck last night while I was eating dinner at Green Street. They took 3 bags after smashing my window. One bag had an iPod and my digital camera. That stuff is expensive, but easily replaceable. However, in the other bag was the free loot that I got from the Vroman's Book Bus, which was all books and a few trinkets. The other bag had my school work (including the gradesheets for my students' notebooks which took me 3+ hours to do), my planbook, the sample CDs from the book publishers, my paycheck, my $80 UCLA textbook, my checkbook, and really more things of almost no value to them. So I am sure these cunts (yeah, I said it) are enjoying the new digital camera and iPod while all of the stuff that I can't replace is in the garbage. So, thanks...you complete fucking douchebags.

I have lost a little more confidence in humanity.


Pete said...

Dude, that is such a fucking bummer. I'm really sorry....I hate goddamn people.

Lauri said...

I'm speechless.......