But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Election 2008: The Saga Continues

First, there's no surprise here, but Hillary Clinton announced today. Good luck to her. My Republican friend Greg wondered why I gave attention to Obama and not to Clinton. He jokingly accused me of not liking women. So, here is the mention of Clinton that you asked for. Please note that Greg thinks that Bush is a little too liberal. (I'm really taking liberties with that comment)

Second, as if she reads my blog, Debbie Schlussel responded to the (what I assumed to be) 8 million gigs of hate e-mail sent her way for comments about Barack Obama. This was not an apology. In fact, she repeated her belief that Obama's background raises a lot of questions and that "Anyone who does not want to look into the questions and, instead, attacks those who ask them, is equally suspect in their intentions and attitudes toward the continued freedom of this country." So I guess I'm now an enemy of the state along with any other sane person.

It gets better. She went on to site (an pretty much include the entire text of) an article that questions Obama's avoidance of his middle name which says "sources said the young Obama was given the name Hussein by his Muslim father, which the Illinois Democrat rarely uses in public." Maybe I was wrong here. Maybe he is hiding something. I mean, who doesn't use their middle name in public? Oh wait. I don't use my middle name in public. Maybe I'm hiding my connections to my dad's friend who was killed in a car crash before I was born.

Finally, this same article claims that "researchers connected to Senator [Hillary] Clinton" are the ones who are digging up this past, as if they are trying to tear him down now. I'd be surprised if Clinton or her people even give credence to these reports. By the way, the magazine is run by the same company that owns the Washington Times.

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