But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Monday, September 26, 2005

I'm the bad guy

Did you ever have a teacher call home and tell your parents that you were causing trouble in class? I'm not sure that I ever did, but it was a possibility. One teacher called my parents to tell them that my brother was the devil. He made a strong case that she was just crazy, which she was. Years later he admitted to intentionally harassing her.

Anyways, today I became that teacher for the first time in a while. In the past I rarely had to do this since the kids began to control themselves when I asked, but today I had an exception. The boy just kept deciding to make immature jokes in the back (what a surprise - an immature 9th grade boy). I told him that I would be calling home and that he should warn his parents. Well, I got a hold of his mom on her way to pick him up from school so hopefully he has a surprise waiting for him. The good thing is that you can often only make a few phone calls in one night and that will take care of the whole class since they see that you are not bluffing. The bad thing is that I have to waste time doing it and I have to use my limited Spanish skills sometimes (luckily not this time).

In any case, this one call will hopefully make a difference to my crazy 6th period 9th grade class. However, I still hate the feeling the next day when the kid is all pissed off at you, even though he deserved it. On the other hand, I also have this feeling of redemption that he got a good earful in return for disrupting my class.


Amanda Jane said...

i just put a comment up and it's not posting yet...what am i doing wrong? do i have to type those letters in?

Jeff said...

I don't want to deal with "liverwurst" anymore so you have to type those letters in now