But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Those dirty Arabs!!

(sarcasm)I just know that this is all just part of their continuing terrorist plot to blow up our ports, but Dubai Ports World has agreed to turn over ownership of the American ports that they are buying to a "United States entity." This is not enough!! We need to prevent any Arab from even buying an American pack of gum! Those terrorists have no part in our country!! (/sarcasm)

Strangely enough, this actual agreement to give up control of the American ports may not be enough, which is what brought on my sarcastic rant. Somehow, many Democrats are saying that this end is not enough. I think the Republicans might be calling off the dogs though, since they do want to have a chance to keep their majority in November (I think they've already lost that fight). I think that I am in total agreement with the hundreds of writers that have said that Bush gets what he deserves on this. He wants us to fear Arabs, and now we are so afraid of them that they can't even take our money.

Oh, and in case you were wondering what this 3rd world terrorist country looks like, here are some pictures:

Downtown Dubai

The only 7-star hotel in the world is in Dubai

The Grand Hyatt in Dubai (several pictures here)

What a dump! No wonder there is so much terrorism! Oh wait. Its not a dump and it looks to me like their #1 motivating factor is $$$$$ and not radical Islam. I think we need to face the fact that not all Arabs are terrorists and that many Muslims are just as capitalistic as we are.

Can we move on to the other crap that Bush has screwed up?

1 comment:

Jeff said...

The Link that says Grand Hyatt actually goes to the Grand Hyatt. From what I hear, there is no way that Hyatt could put together a hotel like the Burj al Arab.

There's snow in the mall at that indoor skiing place in Dubai.

Thanks for the good comment.