But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New blogs

I spent the weekend in San Diego and found out that two of my friends have blogs.

Michelle (and her nerdy husband John) were my roommates for about 3-4 months after college. And by roommates I mean that I lived in their house and paid the rent by doing work for them. She recently quit teaching and is going into afklsdfskj (I really don't know what you call it, but she does facials and things like that). There are a lot of cool things about Michelle and if you should check out her blog.

Julia is a hippy vegan that criticized my blog for its simple template. Actually, she is a fellow UCSD alum and good friend. Her blog has a lot more writing than mine and she is much more poetic. Sure, she has a custom template, but I use the word douchebag a lot more than she does. Check out her blog.

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