But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Obama... not Osasma

Just to put and end, I hope, to the right-wing attacks against Barack Obama for supposed connections to fundamentalist or terrorist Islamic beliefs - here is the answer as presented by CNN. The people, like Debbie Schlussel, who claim that Obama is a terrorist sleeper are flat out wrong and based their beliefs on a completely un-sourced article from Insight Magazine, produced by conservative newspaper Washington Times.

Unfortunately, this will not likely bring an end to the story since many of these douchebags need this kind of false story to help bring themselves attention. That, and they live to augment the American fear of Islam, a clear call to xenophobia. If you don't believe me, go to the Debbie Schlussel story and read the comments - many of which say that all Muslims cannot be trusted. Disgusting.


Amanda Jane said...

I would like to recommend reading The Audacity of Hope by Obama--I'm not one to usually read politician's books, but I have to say that on top of the fact that I like his ideas, Obama is a really engaging and GOOD writer.

Jeff said...

Just to let you know - my lovely and intelligent wife is very picky about her books and just happens to have a degree in education. Her saying a book is good is like Bush saying something logical and pertinent - it almost never happens. In other words - read the book.