But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Friday, October 28, 2005

Scooter Libby = cenobite

On the top is recently indicted White House Staffer (well, he's now an ex-staffer) "Scooter" Libby and on the bottom is Frank Cotton (with the skin of Larry Cotton) from Hellraiser. Totally separated at birth.

In any case, I hope they send this guy up the river, but they need to throw Karl Rove on the boat first. Then chain Bush and Cheney to the anchor and sink the whole lot. I mean, the level of accountability in the government these days is asinine. They practically wanted to decapitate Clinton because he lied about boning some fat chick. This, I feel, is much worse. This kind of action is not part of their private lives like the Clinton issue. This was, realistically, a threat to national security. I mean, seriously, they outed this lady to discredit her husband. Why? Nepotism? Damn, that's about as wrong as nominating your own attorney for the Supreme Court. Oh, wait. At least that bombed out too.

On another note, if you have never seen Hellraiser, you need to see it. Sure, its a bit gross at points, but it is more psychologically scary than any other movie. Plus, the various cenobites are freaking awesome.

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