But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

the other propositions

I had intended to spend much more time on these originally, but time has been a rare commodity for me lately. So, the following is basically my opinion on each of the current propositions. I'll try to give each a fair summary, but I won't go into the detail that I did for Prop 73.

Prop 74: Teacher tenure/evaluation
Basically, this prop would change the 2 year period for tenure to 5 years, effecting all teachers hired during or after the 03-04 school year. Also, it will be made easier to fire a tenured teacher that gets bad evaluations.
My thought on this is very biased since it would basically mean that I don't get tenure next year, so I basically am voting no to protect my own ass, not that I am afraid of getting fired. However, I see any law that makes it tougher to get and keep teachers as a bad idea. Did you know that about 1/2 of teachers quit within the first 5 years. That means teachers will not be given any level of comfort within that trial period. That part of it sucks in my opinion. However, I don't have a problem with making it easier to fire tenured teachers. Let's put it this way. I know some shite teachers that get good evaluations every year. Why? Because they get a warning maybe 2-3 weeks ahead of time that the observer is coming. How real could that evaluation actually be? MY VOTE: NO

Prop 75: Union Dues
This proposition would make public employee unions have to get permission from members to use money towards political contributions.
Again I am pretty biased, but this proposition is the biggest load of political bullshit to hit a ballot in a long time. Why is this on the ballot? Because the Governator is tired of being fought by these unions. Two things that I find particularly lame: (1) Unions are claiming that this takes away my freedom of speech. Bullshit. It really adds to my freedom of speech since it would now be easier for me to disagree with my union and show them that by not signing up. (2) I already have the option to not have my dues go towards political contributions. All I have to do is fill out some simple paperwork. If you are paying in and complaining about it then you are just lazy. Like me.
Again, this proposition is not reform. Its politics and bullshit.MY VOTE: NO

Prop 76: State spending limits
This prop would put another limit on state spending by controlling growth.
Another bullshit political stunt. The people promoting this prop try to shock you that 1/2 of the state budget goes to education. No shit assholes. If you actually studied our system of federalism you would realize that education is the primary responsibility of state governments. At roads and infrastructure and you'll be at about 75% or so. What else does the state do? Licensing, regulations, etc. that just don't require much. Right now the state is forced to keep education spending up. This would stop that. I teach at a school and I can tell you that I get paid pretty well and get lots of money for shit in my classroom, but the buildings around all of this shit are falling apart. Plus, there are a shitload of kids here and not enough rooms to put them in. We need to spend more money on education, especially since the State holds our asses to the fire over testing. Maybe we should stop kissing the corporate asses of California businesses and start giving out kids a better chance. But that would be too obvious. MY VOTE: NO

Damn, I wrote way more than intended. I'l hit up the other 4 props by Friday. Right now I'm heading to the gym. Hopefully I don't run into any old men drying their balls with hair dryers like last Wednesday.

Happy Hour? I might be in.


Anonymous said...

If I was still living in California I do not know which way I would vote on most of these, but this is probably the most honest commentary I have read on them. I would probably vote for 75 just to piss off the union thugs that have been threatening and beating up the pro prop 75 people.

I think California has way to many propostitions and that your legistlature does not do its job. Stuff like prop 75 should not even be before the voters, even if it is a good idea. I am still angry that Californians banned the human consumption of horse meat through a proposition a few years back. First, I should be allowed to eat horse if I feel like a horse-burger. Second, why is that issue before the voters?

In Texas we have almost as many propositions as you, but they are usually even more trivial. I vote against almost all of them.

Jeff said...

Our legislature is still too bust giving itself raises and gerrymandering districts to keep their jobs.