But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Today in politics...not really

So I decided that in the next couple of days I am going to issue my official interpretation of the various ballot propositions that we get to vote on in a few weeks. I encourage everyone to pay attention to the ads and junk e-mail that you get until then so you are familiar with the bullshit once I drop some truth on you.

Now here is my political rant for this month.

My new favorite radio show is Rush Limbaugh. Wait. Let me finish. I get caught listening to Rush the same way that I watch a car chase. Sometimes, I just can't believe what I am seeing (or hearing in this case). This guy has his head so far up his own conservative ass he can give himself a prostate exam with his tongue. Today he was saying that Karl Rove was a victim in this whole case of revealing the identity of Valerie Plame, the covert CIA operative. (Short version of the story. CIA Lady recommends that her husband, an expert on African politics, be sent to check on the possibility that Niger is selling uranium to Iraq. The White House sends him and he comes back saying that there is no selling. White House ignores him, we go to war, etc. He writes in NY Times about what happened. White House tries to discredit him by revealing his wife's connection, thus revealing her identity.) Fact of the matter is that Bush's right-hand-man is caught up in this whole thing and Dick Cheney may be there too. Not too much to argue about, but Rush seems to think that poor little Rove didn't know that her identity was secret so he didn't know not to reveal it? If you think that sounds confusing and a bit retarded you are right. Anyways, that's just a taste of the entertainment that you'll get from listening to the trainwreck that is Rush Limbaugh.

Which leads me to my point. On the way home I listen to more liberal talk radio, which is more my slant, but that is a bunch of crap to...sometimes. It seems like we are so caught up in discrediting those that are on the opposite end of the political spectrum from us, that we forget that they might be right on an issue. Take our new Chief Justice. People wanted to vote him down because he is so conservative. However, it seems to me that this guy is nothing short of a legal genius that just happens to be conservative. Wouldn't it make sense to have a very smart legal mind as the head of the highest court in the land? And why did so many people get mad that he wouldn't predict how he would vote on abortion and other big issues? THE SUPREME COURT IS SUPPOSED TO BE AUTONOMOUS IN ITS DECISIONS!! THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLES' OPINIONS - JUST THE LAW!!! Either way, I predict that John Roberts will become significantly more moderate and will piss off both liberals and conservatives with decisions based on ---wait for it--- THE LAW. Now this new chick is a different story. She is Bush's best legal buddy and I think she's a total cronie. I'm happy to see a woman nominated, but Brittney Spears is also a woman and you wouldn't nominate her dumb ass for the Supreme Court - I hope.

Phew! I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now get yourself ready in the next couple of days for my interpretation of these propositions. I promise that I will not tell you how to vote, I will just give you some idea of what I think they really mean. Well, maybe I'll say something like "If you think...then vote this way, if you think...vote this way" but that is the farthest I will go. Although I may later tell you how I am going to vote, but I trust that anyone reading this will be able to make up their own minds. Even Tim. Boo-yah.


Pete said...

I listen to limbaugh too from time to time. Just for laughs. You really wanna get pissed off? listen to Sean Hannity. AM 790. I can't remember waht time now. I haven't listened to conservatives ever since Iraq got all fucked up and we lost the election. I just couldn't laugh at them anymore, it all got too serious. Anyway Hannity makes Limbaugh look conservative.

Pete said...

I meant hannity makes Limbaugh look moderate.

Jeff said...

I sometimes watch Hannity & Colmes on FoxNews. Its a lot like driking Carlo Rossi - my stomach can only handle it 2-3 times a year

Amanda Jane said...

Is he the one with the silly bow tie?