But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Will the real Bilbo Baggins please stand up?

So, according to this story there may have been people very similar to hobbits.

"Scientists digging in a remote Indonesian cave have uncovered a jaw bone that they say adds more evidence that a tiny prehistoric Hobbit-like species once existed."

Now that would be pretty damn cool in my opinion, but here is a small list of fictional people that I would much prefer to be proved real:

1. Witches and Wizards like in Harry Potter. Maybe just because I've read the first 4 of these books in the last few months, but still. No bad wizards though.

2. Cyclops. One eye. Enough said.

3. Amanda will break up with me for not remembering this name, but the flying dog from Neverending story. Except doo-doo bombs.

4. Midgets. No, wait. Those are real. Awesome!

I'll think of more later.

On another note, there will be a very fun and boozetastic event on the evening of October 28th to celebrate Amanda's landmark 26th birthday. News will be coming as far as location, etc., but rest assured drinking will be encouraged. Maybe now that Amanda has acquired the taste of Seagram's at camping she'll be doing shots. So save the date and assign a designated driver (not Amanda).

Congrats to ______ for her ______. I don't want to steal her thunder, but if you know then you know what I'm talking about. And no, its not to Xena for her planet.


Lauri said...

The name of the flying dog is Falkor. And i will so be at Amanda's bday bash. And i want to know the "fill in the blanks". Tell me tell me

Amanda Jane said...

I read heard about those hobbit people a few months ago...what if they found a skeleton wearing a ring?? ooh, creepy hobitzez. remember when Melanie got drunk and called Tim a "stupid fat hobbit?" ahahahah

You're right jeff, I'm breaking up with you. Falcoooooor! Atreyuuuu!!!!!

As far as the fill in the blanks go..One of them is Melanie, and I think you can figure out the other one on your own.

Lauri said...

lol! i wanna rent neverending story now. and i still don't know what the other blank is. did she get a new job or is she done with school? guess i'll hear it through the grape vine.

Jeff said...

Hello? McFly! It has something to do with an object mentioned in Amanda's reply, but its not a hobbit. Maybe something the hobbit is wearing? Did I say too much?

Pete said...

Sounds like someone got engaged! I figured out your tricksy riddles!