But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Today's Short List 10/2

1. No word from Pete about adding stuff to Rat Race. I'll let you know when (if?) it happens. I even have an idea already.

2. What the hell is Leet? Some really nerdy ass shit if you ask me.

3. Is it seriously only Tuesday?

4. Liverpool continues its Champions League quest tomorrow against Marseilles.

5. Did you hear about Brittney Spears? I don't care either.

6. The new fake grass field and all-weather track at South Pas High look to be almost ready. I hope they let the public use it. Can a public school keep the public from using their facilities? I'm going with "no".

7. Dethklok?

8. I ventured into the belly of the beast on Sunday and somehow came out alive. In other words, I went to the Costco in Alhambra in the middle of the day. Let's just say that there is a certain type of person that frequents this establishment that tend to ignore the presence of other people when they park their cart in the middle of isles as they nibble on taquito samples and pretend that their kid is not running around screaming. I didn't use a cart so I think that's what got me out in less than 30 minutes.

9. Teacher meetings are horrible. I literally walked out of one today because it was so bad.

10. Which was better - Die Hard or Lethal Weapon?


Pete said...

Dethklok is the name of the band on Metalacolypse. It's lead singer? Nathan Explosion. Lead Guitarist? William "Murderface" Jones.
regarding number 10...Seriously? You know Die Hard is better. I will say that the fight between Mel Gibson and Gary Busey at the end is tight, but you just can't beat John McClane. I could write a 10 page paper about why Die Hard is the better movie, but I think I'll just leave it at that. Some truths are just self evident.

Unknown said...

I agree with the other pete. There really isn't any comparison. Die Hard had better characters, plot, dialog, and explosions. Its sequals were also better.

Yippe ki-yay!


Randy said...

Die Hard is far superior to Lethal Weapon. No contest.