But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Friday, September 21, 2007

Today's List - 9/21

1. My little niece is still in the hospital. She's OK, but is having trouble eating. She's the only Austin with that problem. Maybe they need to throw a little ranch in that bottle or deep fry it.

2. That whole "Jena 6" thing is driving me nuts. Lots of stupid shit said by lots of stupid people. My favorite was a lady who said she didn't want the rest of America thinking that Jena was just another racist Southern town. Um, didn't your high school have a tree that only white students could sit under? Didn't people later hang nooses in that tree? Yeah, the rest of us are really judging you unfairly.

3. I think Hillary Clinton has the best chance of winning the Democratic nomination, but I think Obama has the best chance to beat the Republicans in the presidential election.

4. U.S. women in the quarters at the Women's World Cup. That's pretty standard. England tomorrow morning.

5. Still haven't posted tasting notes from the Zaca Mesa dinner. I was pretty hammered though.

6. I've been trying to read Bonfire of the Vanities and its slow going. Tom Wolfe describes stuff in too much detail. I may give up soon. I rarely put a book down without finishing it.

7. Amanda thinks they should make a movie based on the Legend of Zelda video games. She also does a little sword-stabbing motion and says "jab-jab" when she makes this suggestion.

8. If I was married to Brittney Spears and she had two of my kids and looked the way she does now after giving birth to those kids I would be pretty stoked. I think people need to give her a break. She's still stupid as hell though.

9. Saw "Death at a Funeral" the other night. So funny. And lots of British people including the guy that played Spud in Trainspotting.

10. The Galaxy are fucking horrible. I'm still going to games though.

11. Going to a conference this weekend about teaching Economics while using the environment. It should be exciting. And its in Pasadena.

12. Sunday is the start of fall. My sweat glands are looking forward to some time off.

13. Deep fried goat cheese is awesome - that's no joke.

14. I need a new desktop computer. The one I have is dying. Its a PC and Amanda's laptop is a PC. I'm thinking about a Mac. What do you think. I pretty much need it for typing, internet (especially soccer highlights), iTunes, downloading pictures, and playing FIFA.

15. We had a lockdown for almost four hours yesterday because some kids called in a bomb threat. They said they were some other kid that they didn't like. There were three instances where a student pissed in a bucket in a classroom. I honor those three kids.

Enjoy the weekend


Pete said...

Ask Amanda if she remembers how to get out of the Graveyard and where all the faeries were...I wasted my early teens on that damn game. I blame legend of Zelda for not having a girlfriend til I was 16.

Pete said...

Also... we obsess over Britney to the point were dozens of photographers follow her around 24 hours a day for years on end and then wonder why she is slowly going insane.

Pete said...

Also...I dare you to bring a copy of the communist manifesto to your conference and then claim "This is the only Economics text I need."

Pete said...

Also...It must have been so exciting for you to see so many comments on your post, and then so disappointing to find out they were all from me.

Pete said...

Lastly, where I went to highschool, if you wanted to use the bathroom, you were best advised to just go home, unless you wanted to risk interrupting a craps game and getting "socked in yo hed". Why I am commenting so much so early in the morning? To be honest I got to work at 3am to help clean up some flooding. In any kind of fair system, I would be coming toward the end of a ridiculous shift. But in reality, 'll probably be here until 5pm tonight, if I'm lucky enough to get off that early.

Unknown said...

Jena is one of those cases where almost everyone involved is a loser.

I agree with you on Hillary and Obama.

It is disappointing to hear that about Bonfire of the Vanities, which I am planning to read some day. The Right Stuff is one of my favorite books, but it is the only Tom Wolfe book I have read.

I have a lot of programmer and geek friends some of whom have 4 or 5 PCs running at their home at the same time and they all say that Macs are great, unless you plan on doing a lot of gaming or a few other specific things that PCs are better for. The ones that own laptops use macbooks. If all you are doing is internet, media, and typing, Mac is probably the way to go and is especially good for media. That being said, I for one will never drink the Apple kool-aid and will always stick to a PC.
