But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Monday, September 10, 2007

Today's Short List - 9/10

1. I wish I could complain about a full week of work. However, thanks to the Jewish employees of LAUSD I get Thursday off.

2. I was kind of sad that Pavarotti died. I don't listen to his music, but I know 3 things about him: (1) He was a good singer - really freakin' good (2) He did a song with U2 called Miss Sarajevo which is pretty good and on my iPod (3) He sang "Nessun Dorma" at the opening of World Cup 1990 in Italy (also on my iPod.

3. I've got a new drink in my repertoire. Pimm's Cup No.1. Its apparently a gin-based liquor, but its semi-sweet with an herbal/citrus type flavor. Mixed with Sprite Zero or ginger ale and its super tasty.

4. So Fred Thompson is running officially. I give him a less than 1% chance of winning. Entered too late. Too few events. Those events are too focused on raising money - not on the people.

5. I still support Obama despite his partnership with the devil - I mean Oprah.

6. If I had to vote for a Republican I think it would be Mike Huckabee. He was on NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me this past weekend and he seemed really down to Earth and funny. I don't agree with his conservative politics, but I'd almost be willing to trade that to have a normal president. Please note: I am not voting Republican in 2008.

7. They officially released the title of the new Indiana Jones movie. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Not sure what I think of that.

8. Did you know that it is really not safe to recline in the passenger seat of a moving car. Neither did I. However, Slate's Emily Bazelon had a little first-hand experience with this piece of safety trivia. (By the way, I have a little crush on Emily Bazelon because I think she has a nice voice and provides a very reasonable viewpoint of the Slate "Political Gabfest" podcast.)

9. Don't forget to enter the "What did Emily say?" caption contest. I swear she won't get mad at you.

1 comment:

derrickgott007 said...

#8 on the list needs to be in that "Read a Book" song.

"Sit up straight, sit up straight, sit up f'n straight to drive".