But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Today's List - 9/8

1. School started again Wednesday. Two periods of World History and two periods of American Government (which turns to Economics next semester). It looks like a good bunch of kids.

2. I have 4 sets of students with the same first and last names in the same class. For example, in one class I have two kids named Hugo Garcia. I also have identical twin brothers together in a class.

3. Award for the most unique name this year: a girl named Clad.

4. If you are one of those people that goes to the gym: please bring a towel with you and wipe off the machines when you are done. I don't want to deal with your sweat.

5. Countdown to new niece: 26 days.

6. I swear that I am going to put up some camping pictures at some point.

7. Did you see Jerry Lewis call someone an "illiterate fag" during his telethon? No, you can check it out here.

8. Watched "Hot Fuzz" last night. Pretty funny and worth a rent or a Netflix. Lots of fake blood. Incidentally, I had to watch the second half this morning since I went to bed on a Friday night at 9:30. Its too bad we didn't think to arrange to meet some friends for drinks instead - oh well. (That's a jab directed at two people who I know will read this).

9. I recently read two books by Dean Koontz. The first was "Odd Thomas" and then the second in that series "Forever Odd". The first one was a good read during camping. Interesting story with reasonably good writing. The second was not-so-good. Let's just say that an animal enters the story at some point and its completely ridiculous.

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