But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Douchebag of the Week 12/17/05

I am posting from the 909 and there is a little bit of that feeling in this week's installment of the Evil Twin of William Jennings Bryan Douchebag of the Week.

First, the nominees that did not win

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The president of Iran made some pretty interesting comments this week about Isreal. It seems that he thinks that the Holocaust was a myth created to give the Jews an opportunity to create their new country in 1948. Now, you may wonder why this type of comment didn't win. Well, one of his secretaries yesterday said that he was misunderstood. What he meant to say was that Israel should be moved to Europe since it was Europeans that killed the 6 million Jews. However, he didn't escape nomination because he made a statement in October saying that Israel should be wiped off the map. To be honest, I am not a big fan of Israel as I think they should be considered a terrorist country, but that doesn't mean that I think they should be wiped off the map. So he gets a nomination. Who would have thought that a crazy fundamentalist could become the president of a peaceful country like Iran?

Lisa Lynette Clark: No surprise that this comes from the South, but this lady was arrested for statutory rape. She's 37 and her husband is 15. And she's pregnant. I guess there is a law in Georgia that says a minor can get married if the bride is pregnant. The kid's legal guardian (his grandmother) said "I said: 'I have a family. I don't need one with a pedophile in it.'" She rocks. So now she will be 8 months pregnant when she is arraigned. We should have just let the South go when we had the chance.

And the winner...

Quentin Wilson: This 19 year-old paid a homeless man $5 to drink a mixture of cleaning solution. They arrested him outside of the Waffle House where he works, which is surprising since I would not expect an employee of such a high-end establishment to be so demented. And surprise, this was also in Georgia. What a fucked up state.

Next weeks DotW will be holiday themed. I know you are askin "How can you possibly have enough time to not only create another Douchebag of the Week, but also make it holiday themed?" Well, I have the next 3 weeks off from work. Its the only benefit to being a teacher. Not really.

On another note, a slightly belated birthday to my friend Lauri, who turned 21 on Thursday (not really). We joined her and her twin sister (also not true, but they could pass for twins more than my twin brother and I could) as well as her boyfriend Pete and others, many of whom write on Life Outside the Rat Race for a celebration at The Boat. I was crapping out that chili burger all night and into the morning. They have good burgers, good cheese bread, 32 ounce mugs of Coors Light for $4 and this cabbage salad that everyone except me seems to really like. In any case, a good time was had by all.

1 comment:

Amanda Jane said...

I'd be willing to argue that there is just as much stupidity in California as in the South. And plus what would I do without Johnny Cash and hush puppies?