But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I have something good to say about Bush

No, really. That wasn't just a title to get you sucked in. It turns out that Bush has finally admitted that the "intelligence" that was used to get us into Iraq was wrong. Here's the quote if you don't want to find it in the link:

"When we made the decision to go into Iraq, many intelligence agencies around the world judged that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. This judgment was shared by the intelligence agencies of governments who did not support my decision to remove Saddam. And it is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As President, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq _ and I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities."

Now I want to say something to Mr. Bush: Thank you for finally admitting to what we all already knew was true. That really took guts. (If your computer doesn't register my special sarcasm font, it started with "Thank you.."). On another note, however, Bush goes on in his speech to say this:
At the same time, we must remember that an investigation after the war by chief weapons inspector Charles Duelfer found that Saddam was using the U.N. oil-for-food program to influence countries and companies in an effort to undermine sanctions, with the intent of restarting his weapons programs once the sanctions collapsed and the world looked the other way. Given Saddam's history and the lessons of September the 11th, my decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision. Saddam was a threat _ and the American people and the world is better off because he is no longer in power. We are in Iraq today because our goal has always been more than the removal of a brutal dictator; it is to leave a free and democratic Iraq in its place.

In case you can't read bullshit, let me translate: "Well, we were wrong, but found another OK reason after we killed the shit out of a bunch of Iraqis, some of whom were possibly related to people who once knew terrorists." OK, I added a little of my own bias to the translation, but essentially he said that we (well, not me) ended up being right in the end even though our reasons for going were wrong. Sounds kind of like middle school logic.

In any case, today they are voting for a fraudulent government that only represents the people that follow our western version of freedom, so it'll all be OK soon. Or not. Well, I guess not at all. Not that I think we can get out now. At least we don't have any other major financial needs in this country like poverty, education, healthcare, hurricane relief, AIDS, or anything like that we need the money for.

Do I sound angry? I should because I am. And yes, there is nothing Bush can do now to win me over besides resigning and taking his administration with him. Not that the next asshole we elect will be any better.


Pete said...

I'm sorry, I must have missed it, where did you say something good about Bush? You promised this wasn't just a title to pull me in. i was all set for a good debate. But you just left me all agreeing with you. In other words, Well Said!

Jeff said...

I said thank you just before I went right back to sarcasm