But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Why I write to my representatives

Below is the text of the e-mail reply that I got back from Senator Boxer in regards to my complaints about the use of secret wiretapping. Although in no case does she specifically state that my complaint is what convinced her to take action, I think it is clearly implied.

Dear Mr. Austin:
Thank you for contacting me regarding recent reports of domestic spying. I appreciate the opportunity to review your comments on this important issue.
On December 16, 2005, the New York Times reported that President Bush had repeatedly authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to eavesdrop on American citizens and others without the necessary approvals from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts. Until this program, which began in 2002, no widespread wiretapping had been conducted within U.S. borders without a court warrant.
I have worked very hard to help provide our law enforcement and intelligence communities with the tools they need to effectively combat terrorism; at the same time, I have fought to protect the civil liberties and privacy protections that define our nation. It is unacceptable that the Bush Administration has sanctioned programs that so blatantly violate this balance.
Many of my colleagues - both Republicans and Democrats - share my shock and disappointment that President Bush went outside the law and subverted the system of checks and balances that is so vital to our democracy. Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, plans to hold hearings on this matter when Congress returns in January 2006. In addition, I have written to four presidential scholars to ask for their expert opinions on former White House counsel John Dean's statement that President Bush admitted to an "impeachable offense" when he acknowledged that he authorized the NSA eavesdropping program.
Rest assured, I will do all I can to make sure that this matter is fully explored and resolved. The American people should not have to choose to between their security and their liberty.
Again, thank you for writing to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me about this or any other issue of concern to you.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

See?!? Who says government doesn't listen. Next I will write to her about the government needing to control the temperature in Southern California so we don't have an 80-degree Christmas Day.

(Edit: Please read this post with sarcasm in mind as I know that this was not likely a very unique e-mail.)


Pete said...

I didn't get any response back yet from Boxer. I figure her aids are making sure that she personally reads it and analyzes every word. After she incorporates my words into her platform, I expect a handwritten letter very soon thereafter.

Lauri said...


Jeff said...

Wow, I already got my letter in the mail too. Maybe she just put your letter/e-mail in the "wacko nutjob" pile to answer later when she's not as busy dealing with my letter which went into the "incorporate into policy statements" pile.

Pete said...

So what you're saying is that maybe I shouldn't have called her a gutless, soy latte drinking, tree hugging, liberal commie freak?
I was only tying to get her attention.

Jeff said...

I was drinking a soy latte when I read your comment. I'm not kidding. Did you maybe think that some people are lactose intolerant and can only drink soy latte? Here's a new word for you: tolerance. Are you sure you're not a Republican?

Pete said...

I'm just gonna say this. And I stole this from from Lewis Black: There is no soy milk, because there is no soy nipple. What you are drinking is Soy Juice. Put that in your latte and sip it!