But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I vote therefore I am

Normally I honor election days with the reading of a John Greenleaf Whittier poem, but seeing as this is a fake election day, I will not. However, rest assured:

Actually, I changed my mind today on one of the propositions. I won't say which one, but I was a little surprised even at myself when I "inkavoted" the little circle.

Also, let me say this. The house that I vote in smells like cat pee. I guess my anti-cat BBQ comment was eliminated from another blog, so now I get to freely voice my anti-cat sentiments. If I were voting on a proposition to make cats illegal, I'm sure I would vote no (despite knowing that cats are mignons of satan), but I might change my mind in this house. My apartment is certainly not a great example of clean, but when it stinks I find the piece of raw chicken that fell behind the trash can and get rid of it. Cats are permanent nasty in my book. If a dogs stinks you throw it in the yard and hose him down - problem solved, but cats run from water thereby retaining their nastiness. That and the claws. Screw cats.


Jeff said...

I think if you talked to most people they will say that I talk a big game, but I am always nice to animals, even cats. You do have to admit that they are the snootiest domestic animal, maybe after maltese dogs. I mean, cats force you to pet them and then scratch you when you do it wrong.

Lauri said...

LOL its so true!