But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Poor Ah-nold

I have SO much I want to talk about today, but I should probably do some work during my conference period, so I'll keep it short.

Originally I was going to comment on the results of each proposition, but since they all failed, I'll just say this:

The only better result than all of my votes going towards the winner was no propositions passing. Awesome! I mean, only the abortion one was even close. So my tenure is saved, my union will still get tons of money to waste on political campaigns, and old people will still pay a ton to get their drugs. Nothing like paying $80 million for an election that brings NO CHANGE!!

Other topics that I will write about today:
1. Things the State of California could have done with $80 million
2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. What is the best energy drink?
4. Why am I going to constantly on the verge of vomiting until 12:30 Sunday?

So if you check out the blog after 10:00pm tonight there may be gobs of entertainment awaiting you.

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