But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Douchebag follow-up

First, as the comment to my DotW points out, one of my nominees was not in Bakersfield, but instead from Baker. Thanks to the chick (what she called herself) who writes on the blog Bake-Town for pointing that out in defense of his hometown. I want to set an example for the current Administration by openly admitting my mistake and correcting it.

However, I stand by my nomination as well as the mean things I said about Bakersfield. And let me say that I am surprised that they have the internet in Bakersfield. The by-line (that's what I call it) of her blog is "The good and the bad of what it is REALLY like to live in Bakersfield... the butt of every Californian's joke." Its an entertaining blog as it points out everything bad about Bakersfield. In the 3-4 minutes that I looked through it, she mentions a heroin user trying to squat next door with the ex-con that knew her when she was hooking, a murder at some shopping center (I think its a shopping center), a CHP officer that was killed and whose case led to some DA getting killed which led to the revelation of some controversy about homosexuality which led to a mistrial of the guy who killed the CHP officer, and then there is a picture of a really big truck. Again, I stand by my opinion on Bakersfield, although this chick seems to be pretty normal. And I was just kidding about the internet in Bakersfield thing. It turns out that there is a Cal State campus there, so it must be somewhat civilized.

Next, another comment about our friend Pat Robertson. Yesterday he denied saying that Sharon's stroke was God's revenge against Sharon for giving away God's land. If you follow the link on the DotW post, you will see that he was not misquoted as he claims. How can I be so sure? There is VIDEO of him saying it.

Here is the quote of exactly what he said:

“Sharon was personally a very likeable person and I am sad “to see him in this condition. But I think we need to look at the Bible and the book of Joel. The prophet Joel makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who “divide my land.” God considers this land to be His . . . Now Ariel Sharon who again was a very likeable person, a delightful person to be with, I prayed with him personally, but here he’s at the point of death. He was dividing God’s land and I would say woe unto any Prime Minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations, or the United States of America. God says “this land belongs to me. You’d better leave it alone.”

I got the quote from this website. They have the video of Robertson's original statement and his denial. If you go there you will also find out that Israel has decided that they will no longer lease Robertson land (for free!!) to build a pilgrim center (?) in Galilee. Oops, maybe you should use your brain next time Pat. No, wait. Just blindly follow the exact text of the Bible like you always have. Its not like it was written that long ago. At least the New Testament was written by people who actually witnessed the events they wrote about. Oh, wait. Well, this Christian uses his brain and a little thing that I call compassion. You may want to look into it.


Bake Town said...

Apology accepted. But I'm a girl. What? You didn't think a chick was smart enough to figure that out? :-)

Bob Ramsey said...

Just blindly follow the exact text of the Bible like you always have.

Jeff, the problem with people like Robertson is that they don't follow the exact text of the Bible - they follow a mishmash of decontextualized and misconstrued phrases from the Bible filtered through their cultural and ideological experiences.

More here: http://bobramsey.blogspot.com/2006/01/exegetical-smackdown-robertson-vs.html

Pete said...

I can't beleive your blog s causing this much buzz. I'm so jealous I can hardly stand it. I should start talking shit about people in BFE they can't read anyway, right?

Jeff said...

If you want it you can have it. I'm afraid of them sending a mob of ravenous monkeys and guys with mullets down here in their monster trucks to get me.

Prof Frink said...

Okay, the chimps only attacked one of you LaLa land boys
Chimp attack

I got rid of the mullet in '98.

I still have the truck but I can't afford the gas to come get you.

Pete said...

who are these Poeple???