But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Looking for some help

I mentioned in my last post that I was starting a new sort-of charity project. Well, I think it is more or less public knowledge at this point so I am going to run with it. As a teacher, this situation has got me all worked up.

Last night an arson set fire to an elementary school a short distance from my house. The classroom where they started the fire was my future sister-in-law's room (Melanie). Everything in the classroom is gone. She spent not only tons of money on getting cool things in that classroom to help her little kids, but lots and lots of time putting it all together in the 7 years she has been teaching. Some of the books and supplies were handed down from her mother and grandmother.

So I am going looking to get some money together to help her re-build her collection. I was going to call around, but I think enough people check my blog daily that this might be the easiest and fastest way to get this done. I'm not looking for anybody to put themselves out for this, but I know that if my classroom burned down it would be pretty tough to deal with, but a lot of what I do and use is saved on several computers. Elementary school teachers have many more resources in their rooms that can't be stored on computers like toys, books, manipulatives, listening centers, etc.

So if you feel like helping out, please let me know with an e-mail or a phone call. She doesn't actually know that I'm doing this, but I don't think she'll mind.

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