But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Liberal bias in the media?

Look, clearly there are news sources that have a liberal slant (N.Y. Times, L.A. Times), but there are also clearly major news sources that have a huge conservative slant (FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, and now I guess CNN). However, places like FoxNews claim that the media is overrun with liberal bias and that they are "fair and balanced." Let's look at an example of bias in the news. First, read this article from Fox News about the World Social Forum. Now read this article from the Chicago Sun-Times about the same event. What's the difference? Liberal Bias? Anti-Bush rhetoric? Nope. The Title. Fox gives the title "Venezuela Hosts Anti-U.S. Social Forum" and the Sun-Times gives the title "Venezuela's Chavez Hosts World Social Forum" Earlier in the day the New York Times used the same report from the Associated Press with the title "Venezuela Leader Hosts World Social Forum", but it has now disappeared from their site. I mean, this conference is certainly going to draw more anti-Bush people than pro-Bush, but does that mean they are anti-American? I'm anti-Bush, but despite my many disagreements with some of the things our country does, I am definitely pro-American. If that's not bias, I don't know what is.


Owen said...

I attended the world social forum a couple of years ago when it was held in Paris, most of the people there seemed to be highly excitable spanish students, who were more interested in playing cheap instruments and getting stoned than bringing down world capitalism, so America you can sleep easy tonight.

Jeff said...

There is a guy from our church that is going. Nice guy, but I feel kind of the same about him.

Actually, I wouldn't mind terribly if we reduced our capitalist empire a bit.