But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Battle of the sexes (sort of)

Chances are I am going to somehow get into trouble with this, but I'm going for it anyway. I was thinking about reasons why I lie being a guy. There are several reasons that I could think of that are obvious and others that I thought about that may not even make sense. However, before I make my list, let me issue this disclaimer: I love women and think that they are equal to men except biologically, which is one of the main reasons that I love women.

Why I like being a guy

1. Peeing standing up just about anywhere I want. For example, the last Galaxy game I went to was at a track and field stadium with only portable toilets. After the season ticket holder only beer garden there were many needing to piss at halftime and only one stinky closet nearby. So I joined about a dozen other guys under the bleachers to use the "Men's Room" Classy? No. Convenient? You better believe it.

2. Not menstruating. (self explanatory)

3. Not bearing children (also self explanatory)

4. Lack of accountability. When guys do stupid shit we can often just blame it on the fact that we are guys. Farted in the theater? Whaddaya want - I'm a guy. Burned off eyebrows trying to set something on fire? Boys will be boys. Pissing under the bleachers at a Galaxy game? A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

5. No embarrassing shots of underwear. When girls get drunk and pass out or get their shirts wet, or bend over a certain way they risk showing parts of their underwear, which is apparently embarrassing. How many times have you laughed at the girl who has all of her thong showing? What happens when girls sit wrong at a table? Well, we all know. Need to climb a ladder? No problem for a guy, but if you're a girl in a skirt - good luck. In fact, during college it was almost a style for a guy to have their underwear showing.

6. Here is the tough one. Now, I am going purely from another guy's comment here, but I want to bring it up - the double standard. Guys has sex with 7 girls in 3 days? What a stud! Girl gets with 2 guys in 3 days? What a slut? To quote the brother of someone I know that had a birthday recently - "I didn't create the rule, I just go with it" Now that I am no longer on the scene this is not a big deal to me, but back when I was nailing chicks left and right (I can at least pretend I was) it was (would have been) a nice thing to avoid being called a man-whore.

Anyways, that was on my brain today so I though I would throw it out there. Please add something. Why does being a guy suck? Why is being a girl awesome? Remember though, I take no responsibility for sexist comments, especially by the girls.


Amanda Jane said...

Your blogs are always witty. I feel tremendous pressure to be funny and witty on my blogs, which mostly results in me sitting and staring at the computer screen for long periods of time, drawing a blank. Like just now I was going to come up with a list for why it's cool to be a girl, but nothing's jumping immediately to my mind (well a few things are) but I don't have the energy right now to type up a fancy witty list. It is eleven o'clock on sunday night and I told myself I'd be asleep by now. I have a feeling this blog business is going to be my doom. But it's not nearly as distracting as aol instant messenger, which would keep me riveted for HOURS at a time. What a long comment i made. g'night

Amanda Jane said...

i want you to add to your blog so i can comment on it. that is all.