But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Monday, August 08, 2005

Songs remind us

I'm reading a book right now that is slowly beginning to feel like a rip-off of High Fidelity. It even refers directly to the book/movie. In any case, the main character mentions several CDs that he can no longer listed to because they remind him of his ex. So that led me to create this list of songs or records and what they remind me of:

Purple Rain (Prince) and Somebody (Depeche Mode). First of all, let me say that these are two artists that I absolutely despise. However, these were always the last two songs played at the dance at my church's summer camp. And by last dance, I mean the one that people just make out to. Granted, I only made out with a girl twice in the 14 years that I went, but that is because I was just too charming and witty for most of these girls.

Wonderwall (Oasis). This song was popular during my freshman year in college and the girls downstairs played it all the time. I wish I could say that it reminded me of the times that I hooked up with all of them, but that would be a lie. My roommate ended up marrying one of them though. However, I did learn how to play this on guitar in the hopes of hooking up with someone. (This song, quite concidentally just came on the radio 5 minutes after I wrote this.)

Voodoo Glow Skulls - Who is this is?. One of my all time favorite records. I played this CD for some guys that were friends of a friend from college that we met during a road trip summer '06. Now, let me preface this by saying that we had spent the night drinking Coors Light, throwing knives, roping a fake cow, cutting shit with 6-foot chainsaws, and listening to the same Hank Williams tape over and over again. When I put this on they all looked at eachother and almost simultaneously said "What the fuck?" Then they spit out their Redman.

Disconnected (Face 2 Face) We used to listen to this song back-to-back-to-back when some friends and I used to drive around bringing havoc to the 909 - putting fish on peoples' lawns, launching oranges with a waterballoon slingshot, all kinds of retarded shit that only happens when you are bored and immature.

Church of Fun (Gang of Four) song by an old-school punk band that we sort of adopted as the theme song for our church youth group. It may have fallen second to Cannibal Corpse's "Dead by Dawn." This was the same church where the assistant priest said that her favorite band was Whitesnake.

My Town (Buck-o-Nine) This song always reminds me of my time in San Diego. I guess its because they are from San Diego and wrote the sone about San Diegi and released it while I was in Sn Diego.

That's all I can really think of right now. Feel free to add your own in the comments.

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