But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Happy hour part 2

So I enjoyed happy hour last night because of the atmosphere, the good company, the free super-spicy Chex mix, and of course the beer. But what I enjoy most is the price of said beer. I had a Bass and several Coors Lights while Amanda had an Amstel Light, a Bass, and a Cl. Total price? $13.75. Sure, the first round was free because we sat at a table for a while before I just went to the bar, but I also covered Randy's first PBR as a small welcome-back gift. That just blows my mind.

Which brings my two dilemmas: #1 Do you need to tip as if the beers were regular priced. At 15%, the tip would have been like $2.50, which seems cheap. What to do? I always overcompensate for beers that were comped and I generally over-tip as it is, but I feel like tipping based on happy hour prices is almost like a punishment to the server for the cheap prices. #2 Once school starts again, how legitimate is it for me to be out drinking beers from 9-10:30 when I have to be on the road by 6:30 to get to school on time. I feel like it is economically wise to take advantage of cheap beer, but it seems like I should be able to lay off the cheap beer in favor of a better performance the next day in class. So how often can I go to happy hour and how many beers can I drink without compromising my morals? The devil on one shoulder says Thursdays are good days for a video, but the angel on my other shoulder says that I have to be a responsible adult and a positive influence on the youth of America. Should I tell the angel to chill out and have a beer? What's the public consensus?

1 comment:

Pete said...

Have three beer on a Wed. night. You'll never be hungover and it's all in the name of mental health. All work and no play and all that Jazz. Anyway, the crown isn't the only place for cheap beer. Go to a real happy hour earlier in the night. Then you get home earlier and have no guilt. Even though you hate Claim Jumper they have an excellent Happy Hour. A pitcher of thier Amber or Honey Blond(which are both Awesome) is like $10 and thats like four pints. Plus happy hour priced wings and Nachos. Me and the boys have spent many a happy hour there.